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Old Feb 09, 2010, 07:19 AM // 07:19   #1
Ascalonian Squire
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Default Dervish in name only

IMHO dervish is the best looking char going round, and being that I play for enjoyment and not to be one of the 'elite' like the majority of children out there- I get alot of flack for my builds.
My current is a D/R with
apply poisen
spike trap
3R intrups
melandu shot
and a free slot for anything

I have runes giving 604health and 37energy

I find it very useful in FA JQ AB RA

I know it will be blasted by the 'elite'
but maybe someone will get a kick out of it.
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 07:32 AM // 07:32   #2
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You deserve the flack. You gain absolutely nothing for running a Ranger bar on a Dervish. You don't have expertise, so there is no way you could play the bar as effectively on a ranger, and running a trap in PvP is just bad. Why contribute to the amount of bad players out there, try getting a good bar. You'll win more and be far more effective, which generally people find to be enjoyable.

Also people might stop hating on your builds.
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 08:29 AM // 08:29   #3
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Thx for proving my point.

I have fun, that's why I play.

Hope you enjoy GW or do find yourself raging at others in game too much?
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 09:11 AM // 09:11   #4
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Originally Posted by kaptaincu View Post
Thx for proving my point.
I have fun, that's why I play.
Hope you enjoy GW or do find yourself raging at others in game too much?
Well, ask your self this.
Should a Dervish run the bar, or a ranger?

He's raging because your build is like a ranger will all Elementalist skills, or a warrior with all monk skills.
It's pointless and hurts any team your on, Guild Wars is all about mix-mashing combo's of skills, weapons and attributes to get strong build.

It's great that your having fun with this build, but I still can't understand why can't you play this on a ranger? Dervishes are the best bad ass looking class with scythes anyways.
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 10:23 AM // 10:23   #5
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How is he raging in any way? He's merely stating the truth. While you may have fun playing with what you have, people have to put up with a less effective player on their team, which ends up hampering their own playing experience.
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 12:08 PM // 12:08   #6
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The reason peopel rage at you is because you'll just draw back the team. We have fun through playing well and winning,like most gamers. You want to use traps? Make a ranger and stop trying to bash us when you're the one ruining it for us.

If you understood game mechanics properly you'd probably see why (expertise cutting energy cost,gaining higher WS attribute for more damage etc....).
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 12:45 PM // 12:45   #7
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Really, don't do this in RA. It's fine (well, still bad, but more acceptable) in AB, FA or JQ, but doing it in RA, where there's only 3 guys to compensate for you, is really lame.
Besides, if you really play for fun only, you should stay out of RA anyway. It's a simple arena, the only fun to be had there is winning.
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 12:48 PM // 12:48   #8
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If you have fun, why do you care what people think of your build?

But surely since you've posted here about this whole situation, you don't care what people think...

All seems lost now, but still we must fight on.
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 04:23 PM // 16:23   #9
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wrong kattar

he doesn't care what people think, but only what YOU think...

...like me! i mean the only reason i post anything on GURU is because i want to know what YOU think, not so much to just get my thoughts out in the open....to express me-shelf, to vent...... nah, none of that jive. all i want to know is what a particular person may think about what i have on my mind.


and he IS having fun with that build... there is no "ifs" about it.

[...clears throat...]

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Old Feb 09, 2010, 04:31 PM // 16:31   #10
Ascalonian Squire
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Honestly, I would say play what you have fun with and forget about other people.
You like the way the Derv toon looks, but really likes bows...go to it.

People can bitch if they want, oh no you hurt 'the team'. But nothing in this game aside from perhaps HA is a team game. If people were so worried about 'the team', then monks would only take healing or prot skills into FA. Team has 8 players, 4 are monks and none has anything other than the Jesus Beam going on. As I only play FA, 90% of the time you wait 10 minutes to get in and once you do you have 1 leecher, 2 leavers and 2 bitchers. The other 3 are trying to win. I would rather have you playing what you like than the first 5 on that list.

Good luck out there.
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 04:40 PM // 16:40   #11
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Originally Posted by kaptaincu View Post
Thx for proving my point.

I have fun, that's why I play.

Hope you enjoy GW or do find yourself raging at others in game too much?
I'd like to call you selfish, but that would be a personal attack and would land me with a ban. There is a reason that a meta exists, you are doing nothing but limiting your and your team mates' chances of winning by playing that bar on that profession.
It's not a case of "raging", it's a case of you ignoring the information available and relying on your team mates to win. You may as well be leeching for all the effectiveness of that bar.

There is a reason that Dervishes use scythes and enchantments. There is a reason that Rangers use high-energy skills (like app poison).
It's not even a case of you not being aware that the bar sucks anymore, you are simply choosing to limit your and your team mates' chances by running an inferior bar because you find it fun. What about your team mates? You should consider them too.
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 05:26 PM // 17:26   #12
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Originally Posted by Jarge View Post
I'd like to call you selfish, but that would be a personal attack...
Everyone is selfish...even god, most of all. He created us so that we may worship him. He created the world --as brutal as it may be-- so that we would reach out to him for forgiveness & repentance from that which he had given us.

But to say that the derv-in-name-only is "leeching"??


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Old Feb 09, 2010, 06:48 PM // 18:48   #13
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you sound pretty selfish to me. As long as you are having fun, it doesn't matter how terrible you are and how negatively you effect others. You can have just as much fun playing the build with a ranger. You will have better defense, better ability to spam your attacks, and you will actually be helping your team mates. I agree, you should play for fun, but not at the expense of others.
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 06:58 PM // 18:58   #14
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Some class combinations lend them selves well to running a 2ndry bar..example N/rt resto, Me/e fc nuker..but this brings NOTHING to the table in that regard.

And it wont just be the "elite" who blast you for this, it will be anyone who knows anything about gw classes, skill bars and synergy.. People will vary with how they reply to you about it, some will be productive others will just call you a noob.

When you learn a little more about gw (as it seems you are kinda new?) you will gain more fun with better designed and developed bars. Guild wars is a learning experience...and very often taking advice from people who may be veterans, elites or just plainly know more about the game can really help you. I wish you luck in your endeavors and future leanings in guildwars!

Last edited by maxxfury; Feb 09, 2010 at 07:05 PM // 19:05..
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 07:16 PM // 19:16   #15
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I'm not sure if OP is a troll or a moron (leaning towards troll), but leaving this thread open serves no purpose in either case. In either case, OP is just going to keep defending this awful build no matter how detailed and well-reasoned the criticisms become. In either case, OP is never going to listen and learn what's wrong with this build and how to make a better one. In either case, the build is so bad that it doesn't offer anyone else a chance to learn anything because its flaws just aren't relevant to other people's builds.
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 07:34 PM // 19:34   #16
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i dont know if this is sideing with the op or not but we all must remember that the reason they play that build is because for a reason that is to them the way they have fun it may well be letting the team down it also may well be a terrible build to alot of us interested in builds to that regard but as said this is what they have fun with so why not let them be and let them graze on the field they choose to graze in no matter how bad it may afect others as long as the op has fun with there :P d/r build thats the main point in a team is it not :S
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 07:48 PM // 19:48   #17
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Originally Posted by Damian Manson View Post
let them graze on the field they choose to graze in no matter how bad it may afect others as long as the op has fun
Kinda selfish to bring a whole team down with crap like that dont ya think? ruin 7 peoples fun just to enjoy it your self? Alas if someone pinged that and didnt wanna change, or at least take advice, i have to say, they woulnt be grazing in my field.

Its like the idiot who drives at 40 in the fast lane! cos its fun to be there in with your caravan!! arghhh. ruining everyones day out!
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 08:03 PM // 20:03   #18
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Originally Posted by maxxfury View Post
Kinda selfish to bring a whole team down with crap like that dont ya think? ruin 7 peoples fun just to enjoy it your self? Alas if someone pinged that and didnt wanna change, or at least take advice, i have to say, they woulnt be grazing in my field.

Its like the idiot who drives at 40 in the fast lane! cos its fun to be there in with your caravan!! arghhh. ruining everyones day out!
sorry maxx i forgot to add the sarcasm part to the end of the message :P but yeah i have a strange way of putting things forward and yeah i also agree if leader they would be kicked sorry op but i know you want to have fun but if you want to have fun via what your doing you will have to learn to accept the fact people are gonna dislike the build you run thus causeing the said results of dissing you
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 08:07 PM // 20:07   #19
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my sarcasm detector has to work REALLY hard here some days :P today it assploded :P oops my bad :P
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Old Feb 09, 2010, 09:43 PM // 21:43   #20
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If you're playing dervish you might as well try to work -with- the profession rather then slapping a ranger bar on it.. like..

Throw Avatar of Lyssa on with Attacker's Insight and Eternal Aura along with some fast activating bow attacks and go crazy..

Or slap Zealous Vow, comfort animal, a few pet attacks, scythe (or bow if you insist on using one).

Kind of along the same lines is why would -love- to roll a ranger, but they suck in PvE, so instead I hop on my Assassin and abuse Disrupting Accuracy
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